Gratulation zur 750-Jahr-Feier Berlins vom Kongreß der USA


Resolution of the United States Congress /
expressing the sense of the congress congratulating the People /
of Berlin on the occasion of the city's seven hundred and /
fiftieth anniversary in the year 1987, commending the People /
of Berlin for their centuries of great tradition and /
continuing courage in the face of historical adversity, and /
recognizing the deep and lasting relations they have with /
the People of the United States of America. /
Whereas 1987 marks the seven hundred and fiftieth anniversary /
of great city of Berlin; /
whereas Berlin is renowned for its traditions of openness and /
diversity; whereas Berliners have bravely constructed a /
flourishing democracy in the midst of communists tyranny; /
whereas the bonds linking Berliners and Americans are profound /
and lasting; /
whereas Berlin looks confidently to a future of freedom and /
accomplishment in close partnership with the United States; and /
whereas the words "Ich bin ein Berliner" ring eternal in the /
hearts of both Americans and Berliners; now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representative (the Senate /
concurring), that the Congress - /
(1) expressly congratulates Berlin on the occasion of the /
city's seven hundred and fiftieth anniversary in the year 1987; (2) commends the People of Berlin for their centuries of /
great tradition and continuing courage in the face of /
historical adversity; and /
(3) recognizes the deep and lasting relations Berliners /
have with the People of the United States of America. /
Presented by the Speaker of the House, the Honorable James C. Wright, Jr. /
on April 20, 1987, to commemorate the seven hundred and fiftieth /
anniversary of Berlin and the reopening of the Kongresshalle"

Technische Daten:
Messingtafel, ca. 150 x 180 cm

Haus der Kulturen der Welt/John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 (Tiergarten)
Besondere Ortsangabe: am Eingang, rechts
Verkehrsanbindung Bus 100 bis Haus der Kulturen der Welt,

Einweihung 20.4.1987

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